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Groups we Run


At Cumnor Parish Youth, we’re dedicated to helping young people in the community develop their skills and grow into contributing members of society as well as strong disciples of Jesus. we provide a variety of groups for young people in order to support and help them in different ways



"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight."


Ages 10-14




Pathfinders is our Sunday morning group for young people aged  10-14, it coincides with our regular church service and meets every week except for the first Sunday of the month which is a family service. 

Camping on the Beach

139 squad

"I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,"


Ages: 13-18

term-time Sundays



139 squad is a Sunday evening youth group for young people aged 14-18. during this time we enjoy some time playing table football, air hockey etc before settling down for a bible study and some time together in fellowship.

Blitz War.jpg

The Worship Workshop

Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his.


term-time Sundays



following 139 squad we have our worship workshop, in this time we are exploring how and why we worship as well as the different kinds and styles of worship. You do not have to be musically talented to join us but if you are feel free to bring an instrument. Anyone between 10-18 is welcome to join us.

Blue Gold with Dove Christian Business C

Coming Soon!!

Ignite, youth group

we are planning to set up a youth group for young people in school years 6-9, starting after October half term. if you are interested in being involved or want more information do get in contact

Interested in seeing what else we have to offer? Why not pop round the office for a coffee to meet us and get to know what were all about.

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